A Legacy of Leading
It all started with a simple mission to provide a teeth-whitening system that truly works. Dr. Rod Kurthy, CEO and Founder of Evolve Dental Technologies, began his first clinical study of teeth whitening in 1977. Frustrated by the false claims and marketing hype surrounding many products, he was committed to developing a whitening system based on the science he had learned and discovered over his 3-plus decades of research. It was through this commitment and vision that Evolve Dental Technologies was born, and it is the reason why Evolve is the only company that constantly refrigerates its full line of whitening products from the moment they’re manufactured until they’re received by the dental practice.
However, little did Dr. Kuthy realize how providing a genuinely effective system could spawn the incredible growth that his company would experience. Evolve Dental Technologies, originally located in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, started in September 2007, in a facility that was anticipated to serve the company for many years to come. Despite the economic recession, the rapid adoption of the KöR Whitening System caused Evolve to quickly outgrow its original site. In June 2010, it moved to a new location, which was 6.5 times larger than its original facility. Then again in 2012, expansion was necessary to keep up with increased demand and KöR Whitening moved to its current 20,000 sq. ft. facility.
Dr. Kurthy is continually refining, researching, developing, and clinically testing new approaches and products for his whitening system and desensitizing methods. He always has one to 3 research projects going at any given time. One of those developments is the KöR Dual Activated Tri-Barrel Hydremide Peroxide in-office whitening gel. To achieve maximum results with minimal sensitivity, there are many chemicals that simply can’t be mixed together before use on the patient. By keeping the whitening chemistry separated into 3 barrels (tri-barrel) instead of just 2 (dual-barrel), Dr. Kurthy has found a way to overcome the shortcomings of other whitening gels.
Dr. Kurthy, Sharon Kurthy, and the entire Evolve Team are excited to see so many dentists discovering the merits of the KöR Whitening System. It’s especially gratifying because the ground swell of demand has been driven by word of mouth from other highly satisfied dentists. This has validated the Kurthys’ vision of their company and is confirming that their scientific and customer care-driven approach to business actually does work.
Our “Why”
One of the books that has made a huge impact on how Dr. and Sharon Kurthy have cast the vision for KöR Whitening is Simon Sinek’s, Start with Why.
In the book, Sinek points out that all companies know What they do. And many have taken the time to carefully think through How they do it. But it is Sinek’s contention that there are very few that can explain Why they do what they do.
What’s so important about Why?
According to Sinek:
“Your Why provides you with clarity, meaning and direction. It is a filter through which you can make decisions, every day, to bring your cause to life. A Why Statement is one sentence that captures your unique contribution and impact. The contribution is the real actionable part of your Why. The impact is the condition you wish to leave the people and world around you. Together, these two components provide fulfillment for you and those you serve.”
It took a lot of thought and effort to uncover the Why behind KöR Whitening. But at the end of the day it is what keeps us motivated and passionate about pursuing the best possible products and service for you the customer.
Here is our WHY:
“We believe in imagining things differently. We believe in truly effective teeth whitening that delights dentists and their patients.”
Our “How”
In Simon Sinek’s golden circle of Why, How and What; HOW is the engine that drives the ways in which the business fulfills that core belief…its Why. This is the definition of “How” according to Sinek:
“HOW are your values or principles that guide how to bring your cause to life. HOW we do things manifests in the systems and processes within an organization and the culture. For values or principles to be truly effective they have to be verbs. It’s not “integrity”, its “always do the right thing”; not “innovation”, but “look at the problem from a different angle”. Articulating our values as verbs gives us a clear idea; we have a clear idea of how to act in any situation.
Everything you say and everything you do have to prove what you believe. A WHY is just a belief. HOWs are the actions you take to realize that belief. And WHATs are the results of those actions – everything you say and do.”
Here are the KöR Whitening HOW statements that form our culture:
Keep learning and discovering – we put science to work for us every day to make the most effective products possible. And we educate and train continuously to make sure we are all up to speed on the science behind our success.
Stay enthusiastic about helping – we never put a time limit on helping a doctor, or their staff, get the best results possible. We care about their success.
Share everything – if we know something or have something that can help a doctor, patient or teammate we share it.
Own the relationship – relationships are more important to us than transactions. We built trust and confidence by doing what we say, when we say we will do it, every time.
Focus on long term success – we make continuous improvements in our products, processes and organizationally to ensure our dentists are delighted with the results they get with our products and the support they get from our team.