I am so happy I’ve found KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching for my office. I am seeing great results and the patients are thrilled! I was very hesitant about whitening the first case below, which is a dark tetracycline stained case.
I am so happy I’ve found KöR Whitening for my office. I am seeing great results and the patients are thrilled! I was very hesitant about whitening the first case below, which is a dark tetracycline stained case. This patient had looked like this for her entire life, and after KöR Whitening she said people were staring at her asking what happened and what she’d done to look so good.
You can see that the second case also shows some diffuse tetracycline staining, and has features off fluorosis also.
It is very nice to have the ability to present whitening so confidently now. We’re very happy to have KöR Whitening available in our office.